As you may have guessed from its name, this tool uses the Entity or Records GUID to find & open what you are searching for. For example, if you have an error msg & it is giving you the GUID for the record causing the error. What you need to do is:
- Copy the GUID.
- Paste the GUID under “Record ID” highlighted below.
After that, the tool will search the records & customization to retrieve back your record. Then click “Verify and Open.”
This tool helps you import or create, update, or delete records & data between organization instances. To use this tool, simply follow these steps:
- The first thing you do is define your source instance (the instance that contains the data) & the “Target instance,” which is the instance you want to move the data to.
- The source instance is usually the organization that you connected to when you launched the XRM tool.
- Once you have connected your instances, all the entities in your organization will be loaded, as you can see in the screenshot below (marked 1 & 2).
- Number 1 shows the entities in your source instance & number 2 is your target instance.
- Once you select an entity (table name) in your source instance (1), the list of fields in this target instance table will load on the number 2 side.
- You can select or unselect any of the fields that you do not want their data to be transported.
- Also, you can choose either to create new records, update existing records, or delete records as shown.
- After you are done with your selections, click “transfer data “this will start the data to flow from the source instance to the target instance
This tool makes it extremely easy to copy a design of 1 view to all the rest of the views selected. All you have to do is customize one of the views as per the requirements then the tool will do the rest. Here are the steps you need to follow:
- After you connect to your organizations, click “load entities” This will load all your instance entities (tables) on the left-hand side.
- Click on the entity that you need to customize its views, and once you click it, all its views will be loaded on the right-hand side.
- Select the view that you have already customized & want to copy. In this example, I selected “Active Accounts,” and as shown, its design will be previewed.
- Go to the target views area & select all the views you want to have the same design as the “Active Accounts” view.
- Click “Save Views.”
- You have the option to publish the entity after your views copying is done by clicking publish entity in the toolbar, or you can publish it normally from the CRM’s customization side.
The bulk workflow execution tool is a very useful one, especially when you need to run an on demand workflow against all records of an entity, or the records returned from a query All you need to do is:
- Make sure the on-demand workflow in Dynamics 365 is activated.
- Open the tool in XRM tools.
- As seen in the screenshot above:
- Select the on-demand workflow from the drop-down.
- Select how to retrieve the record, you want to run the workflow against; either select the view or paste your fetchXML Query.
- Click Validate Query, which will give you the records count (some users use this tool to count records in a view or returned from a query)
- Click Start Workflow
- The tool will run against all records counted.
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